The 1937 Boy Scout National Jamboree Page 3
Staff Items | ||||||
At the 1935 Jamboree the only staff
identification was the Purple Leaders neckerchief and the Guide
neckerchief. For 1937 a number of other pieces of staff
identification were developed. These three strips (left) were issued by National BSA and worn above the left breast B. S. of A. uniform strip. These strips were used at the Jamboree but who issued them is unknown. The World Staff strip was worn by leaders who would attend the WJ. |
The Guide neckerchief from 1935 was reused in 1937. The Purple National Staff neckerchief had the logo changed for 1937. |
Most staff identification was in the form of an armband. They
were made and distributed by National BSA. Some have speculated that
the Medical Staff and Health & Safety armbands might have also been
for 1935, but no one knows for sure. * One of the things that makes Jamboree collecting fun is the potential for discoveries. The Mount Vernon Guide badge was “discovered” in 2020. 83 years after the Jamboree things are still being discovered. |
Group photos were taken of Jamboree contingent. The photo to the left before the Jamboree and others (right) at the Jamboree. Council collectors love group pictures of their council contingents. They can often be found in newspaper from the period. Left is Mishawaka, IN Right is Bucks County, PA. | ||||||
Regional Items | ||||||
The USA was divided into 12 regions. Scouts camped by region and the regions developed a number of unique items. This is just a sampling. | ||||||
Each Region had their own flag. Some were made locally. Others were official 1937 Jamboree flags with the wording identifying the Region. Troop flags had the Region, subcamp and troop numeral. Collectors often seek the flag from their council. |
Many scouts were musicians. Regions 4, 7 and 10 had regional bands. Region 7 was the largest with 160 pieces. Organizing a large band was a monumental task. Region 7 would not have another, but council bands became active. Two of the most active were the Madison (WI) and Indianapolis/Central Indiana bands. |
The 1937 National Meeting of the BSA was held in Washington DC to coincide with the Jamboree. Members of the Region 3 Welcoming Committe Wore the Region 3 Welcomes you at the National meeting. Apparently members of this Committee were also perhaps active Scouters and Jamboree participants. The Region 3 welcomes you patch found its way into the Jamboree and is considered a Jamboree item. |
1937 Shoulder Slashes by Region | ||||||
The 1937 World Jamboree | ||||||
The World Jamboree was scheduled for 1937. The rescheduled National Jamboree coincided with the World Jamboree. World Jamboree troops camped in a separate subcamp and in some ways the National Jamboree was a shake-down for the world trip. World Jamboree troops had special insignia. | ||||||
Scouts going to the World Jamboree wore this shoulder ID at the National Jamboree. They camped in Section Q. |
World Jamboree leaders wore this strip at the National Jamboree |
USA Scouts wore this USA strip at the World Jamboree. Technically, it’s not a National Jamboree item. |
Paul Myers Goshen,
Indiana |